September 6, 2021

Diaper Lover Arianna Wants To Play With A Little Banana

  I am DL Arianna and I want to play with a little banana. I bet you can’t guess what kind of a banana it is.  Okay, I am going to give you a couple of clues.  The banana that I want to play with is not yellow.  The banana that I want to play with cannot be peeled.  The banana that I want to play with, does not come in a bag with a bunch of other bananas.  The banana that I want to play with, I cannot bite and swallow it because it is not a fruit.  Okay, […]
August 23, 2021

I Am Diaper Demi and I Am A Baby That Loves Diaper Fucking Fun and Diapermom is where I have a lot of fun, especially as a baby girl that likes to have a lot of fun. I am really into mom phone sex, messy diaper sex  and spanking phone sex because this is so naughty and I am a naughty diaper girl.  I like to piss myself and walk around in it all day long. My mommy has to chase me around to try to chase me down to change it, but I won’t allow it – because I like how the pissy pamper feels on me.  It feel so good […]
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